Weekly Bulletin

This link will take you outside the St. William website to the “LPI – Parishes Online” website where the digital copy of the weekly bulletin is stored.  You will have access to the current weekly bulletin as well as past editions of the archived weekly bulletins.  In addition, you will have the option of subscribing to the bulletin so that it will be sent directly to your email every week.

Today's Readings

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website provides daily readings, podcasts, and videos to enrich your faith.

Click Here

3-Minute Retreat

Loyola Press presents a self-paced prayer break.  3-Minute Retreats invite you to take a short prayer break right at your computer.  Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.

Click Here

Parish Calendar

WG Rummage Sale

As you begin spring cleaning, please remember our August Rummage Sale!  Please hold onto items no longer needed by your family, but so appreciated for our sale.  Once again, we cannot accept computer monitors, appliances, large TV’s or large furniture.  Thanks for your continued support.  Help is needed to receive items during drop off times and to help out during the sale.  If you can spare an hour or two, please contact Theresa Craiger or the parish office.

Spanish Adventure

The travel bug has bitten again, and Felicia Mooney and Dan Robinson are planning a whirlwind trip to Spain in 2025!  Let’s go to the land of the flamenco dancers, delicious food, Moorish architecture, and beautiful national parks.  Next June 2025 we will visit the Spanish cities of Madrid, Seville, Granada, Valencia, and Barcelona.  Enjoy amazing scenery as we travel the beautiful countryside sampling delicious Spanish wines and tasting food unique to the Spanish culture.  The tour includes round trip air from Cleveland to Madrid, all airport transfers, 13 meals, hotel accommodations for eight nights, and the services of a professional travel director.  Approximately $2,645 per person/double occupancy – NOT including airfare.  Price of airfare to be determined at the end of 2024.  $250 deposit required upon booking.  Travel/Cancellation insurance recommended and available.  If interested call Felicia Mooney at 330-638-4586 or Dan Robinson at 330-219-1927.  Informational meetings will be held in Room 103 on July 14 and 17 at 6:30 p.m.

New Parish Directory

The parish directory has been sent to the printer.  Look for it to arrive sometime in late June.  Everyone that had their pictures taken in November are entitled to a copy.  Once the new directories have been received they will be made available after weekend Mass.

Parish Office Hours ~ Vacations

The Parish Office will be open for limited hours during the summer months due to Staff vacations.  If you have any parish business, please call first before coming to be sure someone is here. (330-847-8677)  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!  Happy Summer!

Renee's Clothes Closet

Renee’s Clothes Closet has been permanently closed as of June 2023.  All donations can be taken directly to St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store in Warren, Ohio.

Annual Diocesan Appeal

One of the great ways we bring the Body of Christ to others is through our service.  The work of Catholic Charities and the many ministries of the Church, made possible in part through the Annual Diocesan Appeal, is essential in making Christ known in the world.  Thank you to all who contributed to the Diocesan Appeal this year so far.  Saint William Parish is quickly closing in on reaching our parish goal of $45,100.00To date $42,985.00 has been pledged from 164 donors representing 95.31% of our goal.  Please make your gift today and help us reach our parish goal but more importantly help us enable Catholic Charities continue to provide all the essential services they do to those in need by supporting this year’s Diocesan Appeal.


Offering Envelopes

Boxed sets of offertory envelopes are ready for pickup here at St. William.  Envelope boxes were available November-January in the vestibule – If you missed the window of opportunity to pick up your box please call the parish office.

Bulletin Deadlines

Beginning January 7, the bulletin will  now be printed by LPi and shipped to the church weekly.  As a result the deadline for submitting materials to the bulletin will change.  The new deadline for submitting materials will now be Thursday at 12:00 noon the week before the material is to be printed.  For example, if you want something printed in the January 7 bulletin, it must be turned in to the office no later than December 28 or if you want something in the January 14 bulletin the deadline is January 4 (that is a full 10 days!)  If you have any questions, please call the parish office.

5411 Mahoning Ave. NW
Warren, Ohio 44483

Parish Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday:  9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Friday:  Closed

Mass Schedule:

Saturday:     4:00 p.m.

Sunday:        10:30 a.m. 

Daily Mass:  Tue, Wed, & Thurs 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days:   see bulletin